Test equipment is an essential tool used in most industries. Electronic test equipment is used to create signals and capture responses from electronic Devices Under Test (DUTs), to ensure the DUT is working properly and possible faults can be detected.
The use of test equipment helps maintaining the proper function and efficiency of equipment and tools, and also ensures that machinery and tools meet certification standards in order for a company to remain in business.
It’s important to evaluate your processes to ensure your measurement practices provide the greatest results. Benchmarking is a good way to ensure your practises are optimal, through gathering and comparing data and comparing it to an accepted standard, or to future conditions. By ensuring the test equipment is of high quality, you can be confident higher standards are being upheld. Having the right test equipment will facilitate your benchmarking, and make it easier to evaluate other aspects of the testing procedures.
Another factor that needs to be taken into account is the appropriateness of your test equipment. If you don’t have the right equipment suited your needs, you cannot expect to achieve the desired results. The selected equipment need to meet the measurement requirements of the process, not only on the day it’s delivered new, but also for the time between calibrations. It is therefore critical to gather all information regarding an instrument before approving it for a process. Our team at Westek is happy to provide advice and make recommendations based on your needs and our product range.
Our test equipment division offers quality test instrumentation, such as AC and DC power supplies, EMI/EMC test equipment, power and energy analysers, electrical engineering test equipment, bench top test and measurement, and hand held test equipment. We supply from industry leading companies such as Sorensen, Elgar, TESEQ and Frankonia.
Please view our test equipment products today and enquire through our online enquiry form for a commitment free quote.