VAMP 9243
Vertikal active rod antenna
9 kHz – 30 MHz
reduced noise floor
with mounting nut for AM 9144 and rechargeable battery
Opt. GP: Aluminium-Groundplane, 0.6 x 0.6 m
Opt. ACS 410: Charger ACS 410
Opt. VT: 20 dB plug in divider to measure high field strength [Foto]
Opt. CA 9243: Calibration Adapter for VAMP9243 Opt. CA 9243
Opt. MIL461F bonding kit:
Bonding kit for VAMP 9243 acc. MIL-STD-461F consisting of a BNC cable double shielded ca. 70 cm, with braid current blocking ferrite in the center, elbow aluminium angle with BNC bulkhead adapter.
Opt. MIL 461F Bonding Kit
VPMP 9242
Vertical passive rod antenna
10 – 40 MHz
possible rods: FBAB 9177, FBAL 9178, BBA 9106, BBAL 9136
(rod must be ordered extra)
Opt. GP: Aluminium groundplane 0.6 x 0.6 m

VPMP 9241
Monopole acc. to CISPR/D/391/CD (CIS/D/386/CD, CIS/D/388A/CC)
2 N-connectors
element fixture for rod
aluminum housing and groundplane
Opt. TLD 9241: Top loading disc for VPMP 9241 diameter < 12 cm.