RCTi and RCTi 3ph current sensors

RCTi and RCTi 3ph current sensors

The RCTi sensors are designed to convert AC current to an isolated 0-5V voltage or 4-20mA current loop output. They offer compatibility with existing 1A or 5A CT metering circuits using the TA5V-5A module. The RCTi sensors are available in proportional (RMS) or instantaneous output configurations. With current ranges from 0-100A to 0-300,000A peak, the sensors ensure accurate measurement over a wide bandwidth. Both single-phase and three-phase models are available.
RCTi and RCTi 1ph/3ph Clip-On Current Sensors

Models Available from 0-100A to 0-300,000A
For Single Phase and Three Phase Systems
Outputs: 0.333V, 0-5V, 4-20mA, 1A, or 5A

Key Features:

Wide Current Range: Available from 0-100A to 0-300,000A peak, providing coverage for both single and three-phase applications.
Output Options: Standard outputs of 0.333V, 0-5V, or 4-20mA for process control, with options for 1A or 5A outputs using the TA module for compatibility with existing CT circuits.
Accurate Measurement: Accurate measurement over a wide bandwidth from 0.6Hz to 1MHz, ensuring precise data even with harmonically distorted waveforms.
Flexible Installation: Split-core design allows installation without shutting down electrical systems, making it ideal for retrospective fitting and energy monitoring.
Durable and Flexible Design: The RCTi series features a lightweight, durable, and flexible coil that can easily clip around conductors, even in confined spaces.
Safety and Compliance: 2kV insulation continuous, tested to 4kV (optional 10kV). All models are CE marked, and comply with EN61010:2001 safety standards.


The RCTi sensors are suitable for a wide range of applications, including:
AC/DC VFD Drives
Power Conversion
Welding Systems
Process Control Systems (e.g., PLC, SCADA, Data Loggers)
Energy Monitoring

For all RCTi models, a NIST/NPL (UKAS) traceable calibration certificate and certificate of conformance are supplied. The sensors use UL or CSA-approved materials, ensuring compliance with safety and performance standards.

Model Variants:

RCTi Single-Phase
RCTi Three-Phase (RCTi3ph)
RCTrms (True RMS Output)

Technical Specifications:

Sense Coil Lengths: Standard lengths of 300mm, 500mm, and 700mm are available.
Sense Coil Thickness: 3.5mm or 8mm thick, depending on application.
Measurement Output: Standard 0-5V or 4-20mA outputs, with options for 1A or 5A current outputs using the TA module.
Insulation: 2kV continuous insulation (tested to 4kV), with an optional 10kV insulation rating (tested to 15kV).
Accuracy: <1% accuracy from 5%-150% of the range.
Bandwidth: 0.6Hz to 1MHz for precise waveform measurement.
Operating Range: -5°C to +65°C.
Power Supply Options: 12V, 24V, 48V, 125V DC or 110V/220V AC.

Available Models and Ranges:
ModelCurrent Range (A)
RCTi – 100A100A
RCTi – 250A250A
RCTi – 500A500A
RCTi – 750A750A
RCTi – 1000A1000A
RCTi – 1500A1500A
RCTi – 2000A2000A
RCTi – 2500A2500A
RCTi – 4000A4000A
RCTi – 5000A5000A
RCTi – 8000A8000A
RCTi – 10000A10000A
RCTi – 15000A15000A
RCTi – 20000A20000A
RCTi – 25000A25000A
RCTi – 40000A40000A
RCTi – 50000A50000A
RCTi – 100000A100000A
RCTi – 300000A300000A
Current Output Options:

The TA module is used for converting the RCTi or RCTi3ph sensors to 1A or 5A current output. This makes the sensor compatible with existing 1A or 5A metering circuits. Unlike conventional CTs, these models have no open circuit hazards, making them suitable for installations in confined spaces.

New Compact 1A Output Model – RCT1A:

The RCT1A is a compact, all-in-one flexible current probe with 1A output, available in ratios from 100/1A to 50000/1A. This simplifies installation and eliminates the need for expensive LV/HV plant shutdown.

Available TA Current Sensors:
Models available from 100/5A to 10000/5A. Specify 50Hz, 60Hz, or 400Hz.

TA5V-5A Output Module:

Converts RCTi or IRF voltage output to 0-5A signal.
Bandwidth: 20Hz-200Hz.
Accuracy: <1.0%.
Power Supply: 24Vdc, 110Vac, or 230Vac.

All products are certified with CE, IEC, EN, ASME, or BS approvals, ensuring that RCTi and RCTi3ph Clip-On Current Sensors meet the highest safety and performance standards.

RCTI-1ph Datasheet

RCTI-3ph Datasheet