New range of Powertek SFC series static frequency converters

Westek Electronics has released the new range of Powertek SFC range of frequency converters suitable for civil and military application in areas including calibration, repair services, production testing, and marine and avionics requirements. The Powertek range of static frequency converters covers single-and three-phase inputs and outputs, and frequencies of 50, 60 and 400 Hz. Standard model power output ratings range from 1 kVA to 90 kVA, and custom models including those meeting MIL-STD461C are also available. Output voltages of 115/230 volt single phase and 115/200 volt single phase and 120/208 volt three phase are available. The front-end design provides for very close to unity power factor (i.e. very small harmonics contribution). Outputs have less than 2% harmonic distortion and cater for loads with power factors varying from lagging 0.6 to 1.00. The outputs of the Powertek SFC series static converters are galvanically isolated, and output neutrals may be earthed as required by the application. The Powertek SFC static frequency converters are provided in zinc-coated steel enclosures, and comply with EMC specifications of EN55-022B.

For further information on frequency converters, please contact us on 1300 WESTEK or click on the link below.