XF1 set
Near-Field Probes 30 MHz up to 6 GHz
The XF1 set consists of four magnetic field probes and one E-field probe for measuring E-fields and magnetic fields from 30 MHz to 6 GHz on electronic assemblies during the development stage. Due to their integrated impedance matching, the probes are less sensitive in the lower frequency range than the RF-type probes. The probe heads of the XF1 set allow for the step by step localization of magnetic-field interference sources on assemblies. First the XF-R 400-1 probe is used to detect electromagnetic interference from greater distances. Next, the higher resolution probes can be used to more precisely detect the interference sources. The E-field probe is used for the detection of electric interference fields near the assemblies. With trained use of the near-field probes, field orientation and field distribution can be detected. The near-field probes are small and handy. They have a current attenuating sheath and, therefore, are electrically shielded. They can be connected to a spectrum analyzer or an oscilloscope with a 50 Ω input. They have an internal terminating resistance.

XF-R 400-1
H-Field Probe 30 MHz up to 6 GHz
Due to its large diameter (25 mm) and its high resolution, the XF-R 400-1 H-field probe is suitable for measurements at distances up to 10 cm around assemblies and devices.
The XF-R 400-1 is a passive near-field probe. In principle it has the same structure as the XF-R 100-1 and XF-R 3-2 probes. The near-field probe is small and handy. It has a current attenuating sheath and, therefore, is electrically shielded. It can be connected to a spectrum analyzer or an oscilloscope with a 50 Ω input. The H-field probe has an internal terminating resistance.

XF-R 100-1
H-Field Probe 30 MHz up to 6 GHz
The XF-R 100-1 H-field probe is suitable for measurements around assemblies, devices or cables at a distance of up to approx. 3 cm. The H-field probe can identify larger components as potential sources of interference. The magnetic field probe has a very high bandwidth and linearity.
The XF-R 100-1 is a passive near-field probe. The probe head’s size, and thus its resolution range, is between that of the XF-R 400-1 (25 mm) and XF-R 3-1 (3mm) probes. The near-field probe is small and handy. It has a current attenuating sheath and, therefore, is electrically shielded. It can be connected to a spectrum analyzer or an oscilloscope with a 50 Ω input. The H-field probe has an internal terminating resistance.

XF-R 3-1
H-Field Probe 30 MHz up to 6 GHz
The XF-R 3-1 near-field probe is designed for direct high-resolution measurements of RF magnetic fields on an assembly, e.g. around the pins and IC cases, conducting paths, decoupling capacitor, and EMC components.
In principle the XF-R 3-1 H-field probe has the same structure as the XF-R 100-1 and XF-R 400-1 probes. The resolution of the XF-R 3-1 is significantly higher. The H-field probe is suitable for measurements close to the components with high magnetic field strength. It is not suitable for measurements from large distances, which can be done using XF-R 400-1 and XF-R 100-1. The near-field probe is small and handy. It has a current attenuating sheath and, therefore, is electrically shielded. It can be connected to a spectrum analyzer or an oscilloscope with a 50 Ω input. The H-field probe has an internal terminating resistance.

XF-B 3-1
H-Field Probe 30 MHz up to 6 GHz
The measurement coil of the XF-B 3-1 H-field probe is set at a 90° angle to the probe shaft.
By positioning the probe head vertically, the measurement coil touches the surface of the printed circuit board directly. This allows for use at places on the surface of printed circuit boards, which are typically hard to access, e.g. between large components of switching controllers.
The XF-B 3-1 is a passive near-field probe which detects magnetic field lines emitted from the measured object at 90°. Magnetic field lines which enter the probe laterally are not detected.
In contrast to the XF-R 3-1 H-field probe, its coil is positioned in the probe tip at a 90° angle.
The near-field probe is small and handy. It has a current attenuating sheath and, therefore, is electrically shielded. It can be connected to a spectrum analyzer or an oscilloscope with a 50 Ω input. The H-field probe has an internal terminating resistance.

XF-U 2.5-1
H-Field Probe 30 MHz up to 6 GHz
The XF-U 2.5-2 near-field probe is designed for the selective measurements of RF currents in conducting paths, component connectors, SMD components, and IC pins. The probe head has a magnetically active gap with an approx. width of 0.5 mm. To use, the head should be positioned directly onto the measured object.
The XF-U 2.5-2 is a passive near-field probe that is designed for SMD components (pins). The near-field probe is small and handy. It has a current attenuating sheath and, therefore, is electrically shielded. It can be connected to a spectrum analyzer or an oscilloscope with a 50 Ω input. The H-field probe has an internal terminating resistance.

XF-E 04s
E-Field Probe 30 MHz up to 6 GHz
The electrode on the probe head of the XF-E 04s near-field probe detects electrical fields which, for example are decoupled above the IC’s surface. The probe’s resolution allows for measurements at a distance of 0.5 mm upto 10 mm above an assembly.
The XF-E 04s is a passive near-field probe. In principle it has the same structure as the XF-E 09s probes. To measure, the E-field probe is positioned above or onto components and printed circuit boards. It has a current attenuating sheath and, therefore, its upper half is electrically shielded. It can be connected to a spectrum analyzer or an oscilloscope with a 50 Ω input. The E-field probe has an internal terminating resistance.

XF-E 09s
E-Field Probe 30 MHz up to 6 GHz
The electrode on the probe head of the XF-E 09s near-field probe detects electrical fields which, for example are decoupled above the IC’s surface. The probe’s resolution allows for measurements at a distance of 0.5 mm upto 10 mm above an assembly.
The XF-E 09s is a passive near-field probe. In principle it has the same structure as the XF-E 04s probe. To measure, the E-field probe is positioned above or onto components and printed circuit boards. It has a current attenuating sheath and, therefore, its upper half is electrically shielded. It can be connected to a spectrum analyzer or an oscilloscope with a 50 Ω input. The E-field probe has an internal terminating resistance.

XF-E 10
E-Field Probe 30 MHz up to 6 GHz
The electrode in the probe head of the XF-E 10 has a width of approx. 0.2 mm. With the probe even smallest E-field sources can be located, e.g. conducting paths with a width of 0.1 mm or single pins on multi pinned ICs. To measure, the E-field probe is positioned onto the object.
The XF-E 10 probe is a passive near-field probe. In principle it has the same structure as the XF-E 04 and XF-E 09 probes. The resolution of XF-E 10, however, is significantly higher. Normally the probe head is positioned directly onto the measured object (high electric field strength). It is not suitable for measurements from greater distances, which can be done using the XF-E 04 or XF-E 09. The near-field probe is small and handy. It has a current attenuating sheath and, therefore, is electrically shielded. It can be connected to a spectrum analyzer or an oscilloscope with a 50 Ω input. The H-field probe has an internal terminating resistance.
The XF near-field probes are not suitable for RF coupling (injection)!
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You can download the correction data for our special magnetic field probe types as xlsx-file.
XF probes
XF E-field probes
Quality features of Langer near-field probes
Overview all near-field probes Langer EMV-Technik GmbH