Coupling Networks And Other Accessories For Burst Tests

Coupling Networks And Other Accessories For Burst Tests

CDN | Coupling / Decoupling Network Burst

3-Phase CDN
TypeRated CurrentCharacteristics
CWG 520 3-phase CDN4 x 16 AFor burst and surge tests with burst generator SFT 2400 / 1400 / 1420 or surge generator CWG 2500 / 1500

CDN | Coupling / Decoupling Networks for Burst Function AXOS 5 / 8

3-Phase CDN
TypeRated CurrentCharacteristics
FP-COMB 32 CDN32 AFor Burst, Surge, Ring Wave, up to 480 V AC/DC
FP-COMB 63 CDN63 AFor Burst, Surge, Ring Wave, up to 690 V AC/DC
FP-EFT 32M CDN32 AFor EFT/Burst 32 A / 690 V AC / 110 V DC (manual)
FP-EFT 100M2 CDN100 AFor EFT/Burst 100 A / 690 V AC / 110 V DC (manual). Max impulse voltage 8 kV burst, Max voltage AC 690 V (phase-phase), 400 V (phase-neutral), Max voltage DC 110 V
Burst Verification Adapter FP-EFT 100M2Test adapter for checking the FP-EFT 100M2

Accessories Burst Generator / IEC 61000-4-4

SFT 415Capacitive coupling clamp for disturbance/burst tests (IEC / EN 61000-4-4)
SFT 415-CSCalibration set for coupling clamp calibration
SFT 450Attenuators: SFT 450-1 (50 惟), SFT 450-2 (1000 惟), SFT 450-Set (50 惟 + 1000 惟)
SFT 470Probe set, magnetic field
SFT 430High voltage cables
CWG 5203-phase coupling network, 4 x 16 A – burst and surge
EMC SoftwareControl software for SFT, CWG, VIS

Accessories for Burst Function of AXOS 5 / AXOS 8

IP4BCapacitive coupling clamp for disturbance/burst tests (IEC / EN 61000-4-4)
PAT 50A / PAT 1000Attenuators for calibration of EFT/Burst generators (Axos)
EFT/Burst Verification KitVerification set for AXOS devices including attenuators, BNC cables in a case
Verification AdapterFor measuring the EFT/Burst pulse shape of AXOS devices