Power Failure Generator VIS 1700

Power Failure Generator VIS 1700

The VIS 1700 is a versatile tool for testing the robustness of devices against power interruptions and fluctuations, ensuring compliance with relevant standards and reliable performance in real-world scenarios.
Short-term voltage dips, interruptions, and fluctuations can affect electrical and electronic devices, potentially leading to functional issues or damage. The VIS 1700 mains interruption generator is designed to simulate these conditions according to the standards IEC 61000-4-11 (AC) and IEC 61000-4-29 (DC). It ensures that devices meet immunity requirements for AC and DC mains connections with input currents up to 16 A per conductor.
Key Features:

Short-Term Interruptions: Simulate complete interruptions (100%) for both AC and DC applications.
Voltage Dips: Use an external step transformer to simulate voltage dips, with a maximum of 280 V / 16 A for AC and 360 V / 8 A for DC.
Voltage Fluctuations: Implement fluctuations with an automatic ramp function (“bathtub function”), with a maximum of 280 V / 16 A for AC and 360 V / 4 A for DC.
Inrush Current Measurement: Quickly determine inrush currents with settings for phase angle and interruption time. The peak inrush current is displayed and can also be measured with an oscillograph.
Phase Angle Adjustment: Adjustable from 0° to 359° in 1° steps.

Technical Specifications:
Short-Term InterruptionMax. 280 V / 16 AMax. 360 V / 8 A
Voltage DipsMax. 280 V / 16 A (with external step transformer)Max. 360 V / 8 A (with external step transformer)
Voltage FluctuationsMax. 280 V / 16 A (automatic ramp function)Max. 360 V / 4 A (automatic ramp function)
Phase Angle0 – 359°, step 1°0 – 359°, step 1°
Weight13 kg13 kg

Short-Term Interruptions: The VIS 1700 can fully interrupt the supply network for a specific period, simulating real-world power outages.
Voltage Dips and Fluctuations: Simulate voltage drops to 40%, 70%, or 80% of nominal voltage and fluctuations in a bathtub curve. The VIS 740 step-down transformer can be used for additional power needs.
Inrush Current Testing: Determine the inrush current by setting the phase angle and interruption time, providing valuable insights into the device’s performance.


Step Transformer VIS 740