6010-04 Series: 4 Channel Charger / Adapter / LED Driver Test System

6010-04 Series: 4 Channel Charger / Adapter / LED Driver Test System

The 4 Channel Charger / Adapter / LED Driver Test System is designed to enhance test efficiency and reduce time and cost by allowing simultaneous testing of up to four units under test (U.U.T). The modular design offers four different versions to meet specific testing requirements: Basic, Standard, Value, and Complete.
Key Features:

Simultaneous Testing: Supports testing of 4 units at once, maximizing efficiency.
Modular Design: Available in Basic, Standard, Value, and Complete versions, allowing customization based on testing needs.
Multi-Functionality: Capable of testing chargers, adapters, and LED drivers.
Cost-Effective: Highly efficient and versatile modular design.
Compatibility: Operates in a Windows 7 or higher environment, supporting customization.
Open Architecture Software: Features include:
Hardware expansion support
Editable test item, program, and statistical analysis functions
Online instrument control
User authorization settings
Bar Code Reader support

Version Specifications:

Basic Version (Model: 6010-04-A)
System Components:
AC Power Sources: APS-7000 series
LED DC Load: 33401G Series (2 modules)
Power Meter: 4013A (4 Channel)
Test Capabilities:
Brown-In / Brown-Out Tests
Output Voltage / Current Adjustments
Efficiency and Ripple Voltage Analysis
Input Power and Frequency Measurements
IEC-61000-4-11 PQT Testing
Protection Tests (OV, OC, OP)
Configuration Diagram:

Standard Version (Model: 6010-04-B)
Includes: All features from the Basic Version plus:
Additional Equipment: 4032 Timing & Noise Analyzer
Test Capabilities:
Timing & Transient Measurements
Enhanced Output Performance Analysis
Configuration Diagram:

Value Version (Model: 6010-04-C)
Includes: All features from the Standard Version plus:
Power Meter: 4015A (4 Channel) with Harmonic Analysis
Test Capabilities:
Total Harmonic Distortion Measurements
Configuration Diagram:

Complete Version (Model: 6010-04-D)
Includes: All features from the Value Version plus:
Additional Equipment: 5061 OVP Source and 5030 Inrush Source
Test Capabilities:
Comprehensive input characteristics and inrush current analysis
Configuration Diagram:

Test Items and Equipment List:
Test ItemEquipment Required
Brown-In Test4013A Power Meter
Brown-Out Test4013A Power Meter
Output Voltage33401G LED DC Load Module
Output Current33401G LED DC Load Module
Efficiency4013A Power Meter
Ripple Voltage4013A Power Meter
Input RMS CurrentAPS-7000 Series AC Power Sources
Input PowerAPS-7000 Series AC Power Sources
Input Power FactorAPS-7000 Series AC Power Sources
Input Inrush Current5303 AVR
Total Harmonic Distortion4015A Power Meter
IEC-61000-4-11 PQT TestAPS-7000 Series AC Power Sources
Short Circuit Protection33401G LED DC Load Module
Over Voltage Protection (OVP)5061 OVP Source
Over Current Protection (OCP)4013A Power Meter
Over Power Protection (OPP)4013A Power Meter
System Specifications:

System Controller (PC)
Processor: Intel i5-3470 (3.2GHz) or faster
Memory: 4GB DRAM or higher
Storage: 500GB Hard Drive or higher
Operating System: Windows 7 or later

System I/O: USB to RS-232 Interface, High-Speed RS-232 Cards

The 4 Channel Charger / Adapter / LED Driver Test System provides a flexible and efficient solution for testing various power devices, ensuring compliance with industry standards and enhancing productivity in test environments.

6010-4 4 channel Charger / Adapter / LED Driver Test System Catalog