6010-04 Series: 4-Channel Charger/Adapter/LED Driver Test System

6010-04 Series: 4-Channel Charger/Adapter/LED Driver Test System

The 6010-04 Series is a versatile 4-channel test system designed for simultaneous testing of chargers, adapters, and LED drivers. The modular design allows for easy customization, providing cost-effective solutions for product testing across various industries. Choose from four configurations: Basic, Standard, Value, and Complete versions to match your testing needs.
Key Features:

Simultaneous Testing: Test up to 4 U.U.Ts (Units Under Test) simultaneously to enhance test efficiency and reduce time and costs.
Customizable Configuration: Choose from Basic, Standard, Value, or Complete versions depending on your product testing requirements.
Multifunctional Testing: Capable of testing a wide range of functions such as chargers, adapters, and LED driver power supplies.
Modular and Scalable: The system’s modular design supports hardware expansions, test program editing, statistical analysis reporting, and online instrument control.
Software Platform: Operates on Windows 7 or later, with an open architecture supporting hardware expansions and user-defined test items.

System Versions Overview:
VersionTest ItemsMain Equipment
Basic VersionBrown-In Test, Brown-Out Test, Efficiency, Output Performances, etc.APS-7000 Series AC Power Sources, 4013A Power Meter, 3300G Mainframe, 3342G LED DC Load
Standard VersionAll Basic version items + Noise & Timing TestsBasic Version Equipment + 4034 Noise & Timing Analyzer
Value VersionAll Standard items + Harmonics TestingStandard Version Equipment + 4015A Power Meter with Harmonic Testing
Complete VersionAll Value version items + Additional Power Supply & Inrush TestingValue Version Equipment + PFR-100M DC Power Supply & 5030 Inrush Source
Test Capabilities:

Efficiency Tests: Measure power efficiency, ensuring compliance with energy standards.
Power Quality Tests: Includes IEC-61000-4-11 Power Quality Test (PQT) for line regulation and load regulation.
Output Performances: Tests for output voltage, output current, and ripple voltage under varying loads.
Protection Tests: Short-circuit, Over-voltage (OV), Over-current (OC), and Over-power (OP) protection.
Timing & Transient Tests: Verify set-up time, hold-up time, rise/fall time, and other transient response characteristics.

System Diagram:

Each version includes tailored equipment setups for optimized testing performance. Below is a detailed breakdown of the primary components used in each version.

Basic Version (6010-04-A):
APS-7000 Series AC Power Sources
4013A 4-Channel Power Meter
3300G Mainframe with 3342G LED DC Load Modules

Standard Version (6010-04-B):
Includes all Basic Version equipment
Adds 4034 4-Channel Noise & Timing Analyzer for more detailed performance analysis.

Value Version (6010-04-C):
Includes all Standard Version equipment
Upgrades 4013A to 4015A Power Meter with Harmonic Testing capabilities.

Complete Version (6010-04-D):
Includes all Value Version equipment
Adds PFR-100M DC Power Supply and 5030 Inrush Source for advanced power and inrush current testing.

System Equipment:
Model NumberDescriptionPurpose
APS-7000 SeriesProgrammable Linear AC Power SourcesProvides AC input power for testing
4013A / 4015A Power Meter4-Channel Power Meter with Harmonic Option (4015A)Measures power consumption and efficiency, supports harmonic testing
3300G + 3342G LED DC Load4-Channel Mainframe with 300W LED DC Load ModulesSimulates LED driver loads
4034 Noise & Timing Analyzer4-Channel Timing & Noise AnalyzerAnalyzes noise and timing for transient response and performance
PFR-100M DC Power SupplyMulti-range DC Power SupplyProvides additional DC power for Complete Version tests
5030 Inrush SourceInrush current source for advanced protection testingMeasures inrush current under different load conditions
Software Features:

Edit Test Program: Create custom test programs tailored to specific product requirements.
Statistical Reporting: Generate and edit detailed statistical analysis reports.
User Authorization: Set up user profiles and access control for different authorization levels.
Bar Code Reader Support: Streamline testing procedures with bar code scanning integration.
Online Instrument Control: Remotely monitor and control instruments during testing.

The 6010-04 Series 4-Channel Test System provides a comprehensive, scalable solution for testing chargers, adapters, and LED drivers. Its modular design and multi-function capabilities offer flexibility across various testing scenarios, ensuring high efficiency and accuracy for industrial applications.

6010-4 4 Channel Charger / Adapter / LED Driver Test System Catalog