9129B Programmable DC Power Supply

9129B Programmable DC Power Supply

The 9129B is an economical, triple-output linear programmable DC power supply that offers flexibility and precision for various applications. Its isolated outputs can be adjusted independently or combined in series or parallel for higher voltage or current, making it highly versatile. Additionally, the 9129B supports a tracking mode that allows for user-configurable ratios between channels.

With its user-friendly front panel, featuring keys and a rotary knob, users can quickly set voltage and current values. The device also allows for saving and recalling up to 27 different instrument settings, providing added convenience during repetitive testing procedures. The power-on state of the outputs can be configured to meet specific requirements.
Key Features:

Triple Independent Outputs: Three fully isolated outputs that can be operated independently or combined in series/parallel to increase voltage or current.
Simultaneous Display: Displays voltage and current settings for all three channels at once, providing comprehensive monitoring.
Low Noise, Linear Regulation: Ensures stable and clean power output, ideal for sensitive applications.
Series/Parallel Mode: Combine channels for higher voltage or current outputs, providing added versatility for various tests.
Tracking Mode: Allows for setting up channels to maintain a programmed ratio between them.
Fully Programmable: All channels are programmable, offering control over output On/Off functionality.
Memory Recall: Store and recall up to 27 instrument settings for quick setup and configuration.
Remote Control via USB: Communicate through USB interface using SCPI commands or the included USB-to-TTL serial adapter.
Softpanel Software: Includes a software application for remote control, test sequence generation, and data logging.
LabVIEW Integration: Compatible with Data Dashboard for LabVIEW apps, allowing remote monitoring via iOS, Android, or Windows tablets or smartphones.
Protection Features: Built-in overvoltage protection (OVP), overtemperature protection (OTP), and a keylock function ensure safe operation.
Compact Design: 19” half-rack form factor allows for side-by-side rack mounting of two units.


Educational Labs: The flexibility of the 9129B makes it ideal for learning environments where students can experiment with different output configurations and tracking modes.
Service & Repair: With its programmable outputs and multiple settings recall feature, the 9129B is suited for quick and efficient service and repair of electronic devices.
Electronic Design & Testing: The linear regulation and low noise make it perfect for testing sensitive circuits in research, development, and design environments.
Remote Testing: Using the USB to TTL interface and PC software, users can automate tests and log measurements remotely, making the 9129B an efficient tool for lab automation.

9129B Datasheet

Technical Specifications:
Number of Outputs3
Output Voltage Range (Ch 1/2)0 – 30 V
Output Voltage Range (Ch 3)0 – 5 V
Max Current (Ch 1/2)0 – 3 A
Max Current (Ch 3)0 – 3 A
Line/Load Regulation≤ 0.01% + 3 mV
Ripple & Noise< 1 mV RMS
Memory Recall Settings27
InterfaceUSB (TTL)
Protection FeaturesOVP, OTP, Keylock
Dimensions19″ half-rack, side-by-side mounting