Collapsible or Open Conical Elements

Collapsible or Open Conical Elements

BBAE 9179

Foldable elements for immunity for automotive applications
optimized for 1 m measurement distance
max. diameter 150 cm
20 – 220 MHz
suitable for: VHBC 9133, VHBD 9134, VHBD 9134-4
Some Baluns may need a mechanical modification!


BBFA 9146

BBFA 9146 foldable conical elements are large open conical elements with variable adjustable opening angle.
To improve the antenna properties in the lower frequency range, it is possible to use extensions.
Lenght with extensions up to 4 m.
Frequency Range: 20 – 220 MHz

Datasheet BBFA 9146
Datasheet BBFA9146 + VHBB9124
Datasheet BBFA9146 + VHBC9133
Datasheet BBFA9146 + VHBD9134

FBAB 9177

Collapsible Biconical Elements
30 – 300 MHz (instead of BBA 9106)

Datasheet FBAB9177 + VHA9103
Datasheet FBAB9177 + VHBA9123
Datasheet FBAB9177 + VHBB9124

FBAL 9178

Large Collapsible Biconical Elements
20 – 200 MHz (instead of BBAL 9136)

Datasheet FBAL9178 + VHBA9123
Datasheet FBAL9178 + VHBB9124
Datasheet FBAL9178 + VHBA9133

BAOC 9216

Open Conical Elements
160-1200 MHz broadband
for UBAA 9114/9115

Datasheet BAOC9216 + UBAA9114

BBOC 9217

Open Conical Elements
(30)100-1000 MHz broadband
for UBAA 9114/9115

Datasheet BAOC9217 + UBAA9114