PMM NARDA Antennas

PMM NARDA Antennas

Narda's antenna systems provide a single, economical solution for all antennas required for emissions and radiated immunity applications. They are compatible with any receiver or spectrum analyzer, ensuring flexibility and efficiency in EMC testing.
Available Antenna Systems:

AS-02: 30 MHz – 3 GHz (BC-01, LP-02)
AS-03: 30 MHz – 6 GHz (BC-01, LP-02, LP-03)
AS-04: 30 MHz – 6 GHz (BC-01, LP-04)
AS-05: 30 MHz – 18 GHz (BC-01, LP-04, DR-01)
AS-06: 30 MHz – 18 GHz (BC-01, LP-02, LP-03, DR-01)
AS-07: 30 MHz – 6 GHz (BL-01)
AS-08: 30 MHz – 18 GHz (BL-01, DR-01)

Key Antenna Models:
ModelFrequency RangeDescription
BC-0130 – 200 MHzBiconical antenna for radiated EMC applications, available in AS-02 to AS-06
BL-0130 MHz – 6 GHzBiconical Log-periodic antenna for emissions and immunity testing
DR-016 GHz – 18 GHzDouble Ridged antenna for high-frequency EMC applications
LP-02200 MHz – 3 GHzLog Periodic antenna for radiated EMC, available in AS-02, AS-03, AS-06
LP-03800 MHz – 6 GHzLog Periodic antenna for high-frequency EMC, available in AS-03, AS-06
LP-04200 MHz – 6 GHzLog Periodic antenna for wide-range EMC, available in AS-04, AS-05
RA-019 kHz – 30 MHzRod Antenna for RF field measurements, available in RA-01 and RA-01-HV
RF-3009 kHz – 30 MHzLarge Loop Antenna System compliant with EN 55015
VDH-0120 kHz – 10 MHzVan der Hoofden test-head for EMF assessment of lighting products
Antenna Descriptions:
BC-01 (30 – 200 MHz)

The BC-01 biconical antenna is optimized for radiated EMC applications, compatible with any receiver or spectrum analyzer. It minimizes uncertainties from coaxial cable attenuation and dispersion, ensuring accurate measurements.

BL-01 (30 MHz – 6 GHz)

The BL-01 Biconical Log-periodic antenna is ideal for radiated emissions and immunity testing. It pairs seamlessly with EMI Receiver Unit 9060 and can be mounted on its mast for convenience.

DR-01 (6 GHz – 18 GHz)

The DR-01 double-ridged horn antenna is designed for high-frequency EMC applications. It connects directly to the 18 GHz EMI receiver model 9180, increasing sensitivity and reducing uncertainty.

LP-02 (200 MHz – 3 GHz)

The LP-02 log-periodic antenna is suitable for radiated EMC applications and can be used with any receiver or spectrum analyzer. Its direct connection to the receiver ensures minimal uncertainty from coaxial cable attenuation.

LP-03 (800 MHz – 6 GHz)

The LP-03 log-periodic antenna is designed for high-frequency EMC applications. It is compatible with EMI Receiver Units 9060 and 9010/60P, and can be easily mounted on an antenna mast.

LP-04 (200 MHz – 6 GHz)

The LP-04 log-periodic antenna covers a wide frequency range and is suitable for various EMC applications. It ensures accurate measurements by eliminating additional uncertainties from coaxial cable attenuation.

RA-01 (9 kHz – 30 MHz)

The RA-01 rod antenna is perfect for RF field measurements in EMC applications, including interference measurements from high-voltage power lines. It is ideal for the EMI Receiver 9010F, portable and compliant with CISPR 16-1-1.

RF-300 (9 kHz – 30 MHz)

The RF-300 Large Loop Antenna System (LLAS) is compliant with EN 55015 (CISPR-15) for testing emissions of luminaires. It includes a complete 3-axis system with a switching unit and 2-meter diameter loops.

VDH-01 (20 kHz – 10 MHz)

The VDH-01 Van der Hoofden test-head meets the IEC 62493 standard for EMF assessment of lighting products. It measures induced currents in the frequency range of 20 kHz to 10 MHz, and is compatible with any CISPR-compliant EMI receiver.

For more information or to request a quote, contact us at