Schwarzbeck LISN/AMN

Schwarzbeck LISN/AMN

Schwarzbeck Line Impedance Stabilization Networks (LISNs) and Artificial Mains Networks (AMNs)
LISN (Line Impedance Stabilization Network) / AMN (Artificial Mains Network):

Supplies necessary AC or DC mains voltage and current for the Equipment under Test (EuT).
Couples interference voltage generated by the EuT and supplies it to the receiver.
Provides a well-defined RF-impedance to the EuT.
Filters out unwanted disturbance coming from mains.
Protects mains from unwanted disturbance voltage generated by the EuT.

Types of LISNs

Measures unsymmetric disturbance voltage between two lines (L1 and ground or L2 and ground).
Commonly used for equipment connected to onboard mains with DC or 400 Hz.
Two types based on impedance:
5µH inductance (CISPR 16-1-2, CISPR 25, ISO 7637, DO160): For vehicles, boats, and aircrafts.
50µH inductance (CISPR 16-1-2, MIL STD 461, ANSI C63.4): For mains frequencies of 50 Hz or 60 Hz.


Measures asymmetric disturbance voltage (common mode voltage).
Typically used for telecommunication and data transmission equipment connected to symmetrical lines like twisted pairs.


Measures voltage relationships in two-line systems with separate ground.

Figure 1: Measurement Setup for Conducted Disturbances
Depicts the typical setup used to measure conducted disturbances using LISNs.

Figure 2: Voltage Relationship of a Two-Line System with Separate Ground
Shows how V-LISNs and T-ISNs measure disturbance voltages in different configurations.

 Schwarzbeck LISN overview
TypeTopologyImpedanceCurrent max.PathsDatasheetOptions
CISPR 16-1-2 socket
NSLK 8117V-LISN(50 µH + 5 Ω) || 50 Ω2 x 10 A2Datasheet
NSLK 8127V-LISN(50 µH + 5 Ω) || 50 Ω2 x 16 A2DatasheetRC, PLC
NSLK 8126V-LISN(50 µH + 5 Ω) || 50 Ω2 x 16 A Schuko4DatasheetRC
4 x 16 A CEKON
NSLK 8128V-LISN(50 µH + 5 Ω) || 50 Ω2 x 16 A Schuko and4DatasheetRC
4 x 32 A CEKON
NSLK 8163V-LISN(50 µH + 5 Ω) || 50 Ω4 x 64 A CEKON4DatasheetRC
CISPR 16-1-2 Wing Terminals
NNLK 8121V-LISN(50 µH + 5 Ω) || 50 Ω4 x 50 (100) A 4DatasheetRC, Hochstrom, 400/700V, Lüfter
NNLK 8122V-LISN(50 µH + 5 Ω) || 50 Ω2 x 50 A 2Datasheet
NNLK 8129V-LISN50 µH || 50 Ω4 x 200 (300) A 4DatasheetRC, 400/700 V, Lüfter
NNLK 8129-2 HVV-LISN50 µH || 50 Ω2 x 200 (300) A2DatasheetRC,TC
NNLK 8130V-LISN50 µH || 50 Ω4 x 400 (500) A 4DatasheetRC
NNLK 8140V-LISN50 µH || 50 Ω1 x 800 (1000) AsingleDatasheet
NNHV 8123V-LISN5µH || 50 Ω70 (100) AsingleDatasheet
NNHV 8123-200V-LISN5µH || 50 Ω200 AsingleDatasheet
NNHV 8123-400V-LISN5µH || 50 Ω400 AsingleDatasheet
NNHV 8123-400RV-LISN(5µH + 1 Ω) || 50 Ω400 AsingleDatasheet
NNHV 8123-800V-LISN5µH || 50 Ω800 AsingleDatasheet
NNBM 8124V-LISN(5µH + 1 Ω) || 50 Ω70 (100) AsingleDatasheetN-connector
NNBM 8124-200V-LISN(5µH + 1 Ω) || 50 Ω200 AsingleDatasheetN-connector
NNBM 8124-400V-LISN(5µH + 1 Ω) || 50 Ω400 AsingleDatasheetN-connector
NNBM 8124-800V-LISN(5µH + 1 Ω) || 50 Ω800 AsingleDatasheetN-connector
NNBM 8126 A 890V-LISN5 µH || 50 Ω70 (100) AsingleDatasheetDO-160
NNBM DO160-1500V-LISN5 µH || 50 Ω200 (280) AsingleDatasheet
BAN 85088 A (DC)singleDatasheet
BAN 853030 A (DC)singleDatasheet
NNBL 8225V-LISN(50 µH + 5 Ω) || 50 Ω20 AsingleDatasheet
NNBL 8226V-LISN(50 µH + 5 Ω) || 50 Ω70 (100) AsingleDatasheet
NNBL 8226-HVV-LISN(50 µH + 5 Ω) || 50 Ω70 (100) AsingleDatasheet
NNBL 8226-2V-LISN(50 µH + 5 Ω) || 50 Ω70 (100) A2Datasheet
NNBL 8229-HVV-LISN(50 µH + 5 Ω) || 50 Ω200 AsingleDatasheet
NNBL 8230V-LISN(50 µH + 5 Ω) || 50 Ω300 AsingleDatasheet
NNBL 8240V-LISN(50 µH + 5 Ω) || 50 Ω800 (1000) AsingleDatasheet
NTFM 8131T-ISN150 Ω ± 10%3 A (AC) 2Datasheet
NTFM 8158T-ISN150 Ω ± 20 Ω600 mA DC (pair) 2Datasheet
CAT5 8158T-ISN150 Ω ± 20 Ω600 mA DC (pair) 2Datasheet
CAT3 8158T-ISN150 Ω ± 20 Ω600 mA DC (pair) 2Datasheet
ISN S8T-ISN150 Ω ±20 Ω1 A (DC) 8Datasheet
150 Ω + 60 Ω /-45 Ω
ISN S1T-ISN150 Ω ±20 Ω1 A (DC)singleDatasheet
150 Ω + 60 Ω /-45 Ω
Special – LISN
Pilot ISN150 Ω ±20 Ω1.4 A DC2Datasheet
ECSS LISN1(1.5 µH) || 50 Ω10 A2Datasheet
ECSS LISN 2(2 µH) || 50 Ω10 A2Datasheet
ECSS LISN 2 – 75A(2 µH) || 50 Ω75 A2Datasheet
ECSS LISN 3(0.7 µH) || 50 Ω10 A2Datasheet
NPLC 8500V-LISN1 Ω16 AsingleDatasheet
PVDC 8300PV-LISN150 Ω common50 A (100 A with opt. fans) 2DatasheetFans
Universal100 Ω differental
PVDC 8301PV-LISN150 Ω common200 A 2Datasheet
Universal100 Ω differental
TEMP 8400Tempest-1.4 kΩ16 A 2DatasheetTEMP 8401