PMM appoints Westek for compliance equipment
Westek Electronics has been appointed by PMM to market and sell its range of EMC and RFI equipment. PMM is a major company within the global L3-Narda group and is based in Italy. PMM specialises in receivers and spectrum analysers, antenna-mounted receivers, LISNs, antennas and EMC-RFI compliance software. PMM was founded in 1968, cutting its […]
PMM 9010F fast, digital EMI receiver
The new PMM 9010F FFT Time –Domain Digital EMI receiver and Real-Time Analyser with FFT for full emission compliance is suitable for laboratory use and field work (only 4.3 kg weight) via its standard Li-ion battery pack. Because of fast analysis time, the PMM 9010F fast, digital EMI receiver with FFT is ideally suited for compliance […]
Multi-standard, single path LISN
The new PMM L1-150M Multi-Standard LISNs now provide for the first time line impedance stabilisation networks for conducted RFI in the range of 10 kHz to 400 MHz, thus making EMC testing simpler and less costly. The LISNs are suitable for AC as well as DC lines. Basically the PMM L1-150M, by means of rear-panel […]